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Every Monday, you will receive our weekly Monday Mavens curations filled with insightful reads, podcasts, or videos to get you equipped for the week. Eliminate unproductive habits, shift your mindset, and get that personal growth going.

Stay expanding

Full of insights in all sorts of media forms, our main goal is to deliver new knowledge every time you click on a Monday Mavens curation. There is always something to learn, or be better at.

Keep it in check

Hold yourself accountable by putting us in your to-do list every week. Make it a habit to consume at least 1 resource—could be an article, a mini podcast, or a short video from our curation. Implement, share, and adjust accordingly to your unique growth needs.

Subscribe to Monday Mavens by Mekari

Accelerate your personal growth and keep your productivity in check with insightful reads, podcasts, short videos, and more, curated weekly by us.


Accelerate your personal growth and keep your productivity in check with our weekly curations.