⏰ How do you spend the first half of your day?
These rules will turn you into the high-performer of your dreams.
Naturally, people are divided into two big groups: the morning larks and the night owls. Whether you identify with one or the other, what you decide to do to start your day determines how much you will get done and the quality of work you put out.
Surely, habits can not be built overnight. Slowly and consistently incorporate these tips to upgrade your mornings in the long run.
Multitasking isn’t always ideal
Self-development author, Brian Tracy, spilled on his YouTube channel the guideline of an ideal work day. Before you start anything, visualize what your day would look like by writing a to-do list sorted by priorities. Statistically, 1 minute planning saves 10 minutes of execution. While planning, keep in mind the 80/20 rule: out of 10 items in the list, 2 will be more important than the rest. Begin immediately with those two tasks, and implement the Single Handling Method where you stay with a project until it’s done.
Watch the full video here.
6 keys to get ahead
Earlier this year, LinkedIn came out with a course breaking down the 6 morning habits of a high performer. Silence through a 10-minute meditation session is encouraged. Action-oriented affirmations are deemed to get you to commit. Visualization of yourself performing a task in your mind helps a lot. Don’t forget to exercise for at least 60 seconds, and read 5 pages or 5 articles a day—you’re already on track with this one. Last but not least, scribe 3 things you’re grateful for and 3 things you want to accomplish throughout the day.
Read more of the course summary here.
Some things need to be ignored
Inc. journalist, Murray Newlands, compiled 10 secrets of revamping our mornings into a strategic start of your day. Don’t linger on decisions too long—your initial reaction to a problem is most likely the correct one. This one might sound controversial, but if you have the means to, ignore email and voice mails until after lunch. Another way is to minimize multitasking, as changing tasks more than 10 times in one day actually lowers your productivity rate.
Find the complete list here.
Got your own morning routine tips? Shoot them to our Instagram DMs at @lifeatmekari!