🎭 Find the right productivity hacks based on your MBTI.
The app you need, time management hack you seek, and productivity tips you'll fit!
Among all the tips we’ve shared in the past Monday Mavens editions, surely there were some hits and misses for each of our readers. Though the human experience revolves around one similar silver lining, we need to take into account the complex personal traits every person has, to choose the right productivity tools.
The 4-letter combinations you often see on people’s Instagram bio, such as ISTJ or ESFP, actually serve as a tool to activate the productive traits you’ve always had in you. If you don’t know what your MBTI is yet, take the free test here and get navigating below!
What each MBTI needs to do to thrive in a workplace
Every Myers-Briggs type functions differently in a workplace. Thus, there are also different ways they can take to improve their ways of working. For example, Advocates (INFJ personality type) feel that their work must align with their purpose and values; it also has to give them the freedom to be creative. It is then important for Advocates to find a work-life balance and learn to say no.
Another Myers-Briggs type, ENFP (Campaigners), don’t like strict rules and prefer exploring new alternatives. To keep up with their productivity, they need to take regular breaks and learn to eliminate distractions.
Read the full break down for all 16 Myers-Briggs types here.
Treating to-do lists the right way for each MBTI
Most if not all individuals have a to-do-list—physical or mental, to get by in their daily lives. From the bare minimum of thinking of what you will be doing for the day, or creating bullet journals to make sure you don’t miss a task. These to-do-lists often don’t always work, and the reason might be that you are following someone else’s template and not catering them to your own needs.
For ESTJs, they tend to make quick decisions based on the facts at hand. The problem arises when they start to procrastinate when they don’t have all the information. Creating SMART goals will help ENTJs find clarity and manage their time better. For ISTPs who easily switch mindsets and can quickly solve problems, give your to-do list a regular reality check to make sure you’re still on track with your current projects and haven’t moved onto something ‘more interesting’.
See how you can better manage your time based on your MBTI here.
The one app each MBTI should have on their phone
The “What’s in My Phone” tag was not popular on YouTube for no reason. You can tell a lot about a person by going through what they have on their home screen. This Brooklyn-based Bustle writer put together essential mobile apps for each MBTI, see if yours is indeed right up your alley:
ISTJ: Todoist.
ISFJ: Remember app.
INFJ: ChoiceMap.
INTJ: Simple Mind.
ISTP: Moodnotes.
ISFP: Moment app.
INFP: mi:nu:ti:ae app.
INTP: Pocket app.
ESTP: Citysocializer.
ESFP: HipChat.
ENFP: Springpop.
ENTP: TED app.
ESTJ: Google Drive.
ESFJ: Gratitude Journal.
ENFJ: Eventbrite.
ENTJ: Strides.
Find the reasoning behind each app recommendation in the full article here.
From a scale of 1-10, how accurate do you think these hacks are? Let us know in the comments below!
Don’t forget to share this edition with your personality-type-junkie friends and colleagues, and see if they relate.
Subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s edition, and we’ll catch up with you soon!